Physio-Chemical Parameters of Waste water and Ground water in District Faisalabad-Pakistan
Physio-Chemical, Waste Water, Underground Water (MeSH), Heavy Metals (MeSH), WHO (MeSH), Pak-EPA (Non-MeSH)Abstract
Objective: The aim of this cross-sectional study was to assess the physio-chemical parameters and the selected heavy metal concentrations among the selected industrial waste water and drinking ground water sources in Faisalabad, Pakistan. Methods: After ethical approval from the University Ethical Review Committee; sixty (n=60) samples were collected both from the industrial waste water effluents and fifteen (n=15) from the nearby drinking ground water sources. All the samples were collected analyzed for the selected physio-chemical parameters of PH, TDS, EC, Na, K, Ca, Mg, Cl, and F; and for the selected heavy metals of Zn, Fe, Pb, Ni, Cr, Cu, Mn and As. Finally, data was analyzed and presented in form of tables. Results: All the waste water samples and drinking ground water samples had increased concentration of all the selected physio-chemical parameters and the selected heavy metal concentrations, according to WHO & Pakistan EPA permissible exposure limits level guidelines. Conclusion: From the results it was concluded that the selected physio-chemical parameters and the selected heavy metal concentrations in waste water samples and drinking water samples were high as compared to the national and international permissible exposure limits. Moreover, the local industries resulted in contamination of drinking groundwater sources.
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